The new billing system and payment of subsidy is more complicated; a new entity enters into it. Get help from experts and save your time and money.
The Act No. 165 of 2012 Coll., on promoted energy sources and on amendment to some laws, among others changes the way how the subsidy is paid out for electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES), combined heat and power production (CHP) and from secondary sources (DZ). So far all subsidies, i.e. the redemption price, the green bonus, were paid out by the competent local electricity distributor (CEZ Distribuce, a.s, E.ON Distribuce, a.s. or PREdistribuce, a.s.).
The new billing system and payment of subsidy is more complicated as a new entity – OTE (The Czech electricity market operator) enters into financial transactions and information flows. Electronic communication with OTE uses a secure electronic certificate.
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