Build with us based on a cooperation with certified and brand-name suppliers. Take advantage of our long-term experience, knowledge, processes and technology.
Reduce your electricity bills by producing your own electricity.
Suitable for objects without the possibility of connection to the grid.
Combine a production from PV panels with a production from a wind or other sources.
For industrial companies, factories and production halls with a high daily electricity consumption.
An intelligent system of water heating through the use of PV panels without replacing the boiler
Photovoltaic storage heaters for a combined water heating system.
Compact device which can be directed according to needs of a current location.
Get a remote control over your entire PV system incl. an overview of its performance.
We only supply components from verified producers and guarantee their high quality.
Automatic domestic regulation of energy surpluses from your PV power plant.
A domestic charging station is a flexible solution for charging your e-vehicle.
Chargers and covered parking for e-vehicles; it’s an intelligent solution of charging from your own PV power plant.
Warranty and after warranty customer service for all products of German SMA
We pay attention to the suppliers who we are cooperating with. You can rely on us as a trustworthy and long-term business partner.
TERMS Corp. was established in 1992 as a purely technological company which builds up on a high quality, knowledge, a long-term development and a stability.
As we have knowledge of different lines of business, such as automation, telecommunication, measurement and regulation, we offer a complex solution. The optimization and progressive integration and regulation of all energetic systems in your house can also be a part of our services.
The standard warranties of key components are for 10 years. However it is possible to extend them for a whole period of a planned yield upon investment up to 20-25 years.
We offer to our clients not only a standard periodical service but also possibilities of optimization and the adjustment of existing installations to reach maximum returns.
We choose only those suppliers and brands which have long-term history, a high stability and can survive in a turbulent market.